An app to help you create APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations quickly and easily!
How it works:
Just fill in the fields and then click on the completed citations to copy them to your clipboard!
1) Go to the Releases tab right above the green “clone/download” button 2) Download the most recent “” file 3) Open it up and drag it to your Applications folder
If you get an error about an unidentified developer, control-click the app and hit open.
Download or clone the repo, then run “npm run electron:serve” in the directory to build and launch the program in developer mode.
To build the app for your system, run “npm run electron:build”
Built With
Vue CLI 3- Command line tool for scaffolding the initial Vue project
Electron - Dependency Management
vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder - Scaffolding Electron in Biblio
PureCSS - some CSS formatting
- Joshua Manuel - Initial work - JoshuaManuel